This Sunday is Tu B'Shvat: the birthday of the trees! It's one of my all-time favorites--I know, I say that every holiday--but this one is really great. It's all about the cycle of rebirth and renewal. Did I mention, eating fruits and nuts and drinking wine?
These concepts make me think about the cycle of birthing new ideas into the world and how we are constantly creating. We are formed in the image of God, the Creator of the universe--setting us up to be creators in our own right. In fact, many of us are bringing wonderful projects, energy, and creativity into the world all the time!
So, I wrote a little seder--a ceremony with plenty of room for discussion and debate, and also an ordered way of consuming the aforementioned fruit, nuts and wine. It's specifically for creators and entrepreneurs (and isn't that all of us, in one way or another?). There are four sections to the traditional Tu B'Shvat seder: Physical World, Feelings and Emotions, Knowing and the Mind, and Spirituality. At our seder, we will have one Sharing Creator contribute to each section through relating their expertise and experience.
This is all taking place Sunday, February 9, at 5pm at FED. Want to join us? Please RSVP here!
